We recognize many communities around the world are under immense pressure, facing financial hardship and economic uncertainties. At times like these, it’s important for us to look out for each other and remind people that their sacrifices are not in vain — we are all in this together. It is in that spirit that the Avania team continue to look for ways to help those affected during this pandemic. COVID-19 is creating new needs and Avania is proud to be on the front lines, helping our communities around the globe.
This week, our team in Bilthoven, the Netherlands, donated hardware to an initiative that supports underprivileged children, enabling them to continue their education by learning remotely. Through our IT supplier, the hardware will be given to the Dutch youth care centers that work with schools and teachers to distribute this technology to those who need it most.
Will you join us in the fight?

“Optimism is the belief that things will get better. Hope is the belief that if we work hard enough together, we can make things better.”
– Jonathan Sacks